Weight Of CD


Up until 2007, there were over 200 billion sales of CDs.

This was at a time before digital took off and the CD (compact disc) was the hottest selling music format.

How much does a CD weigh?

A typical CD weighs approximately 0.58 ounces (16 grams).

They are constructed from a lightweight polycarbonate plastic.

The paper insert that comes with the CD will weigh about 0.11ounces (3 grams).

The jewel case weighs about 1.5 to 2.5 ounces depending on whether it is standard or slim size.

What was the first CD released?

The first compact disc was released in October 1982.

It was Billy Joel’s album called 52nd street.

Every CD is able to hold around 700mb of data or about 80 minutes of audio.

There are also mini CDs available which will hold around 25 minutes of audio or 185mb of data.

In 2010 CD sales in the United States really started plummeting. They were down by around 50% as people moved on to other formats.

By 2014, digital music sales matched CD sales.

Even though major retailers are discontinuing sales of CD’s, they are still a billion-dollar industry.

~ Fun Fact ~
The amount of data that can be held on a CD is the equivalent of using both sides of 500,000 sheets of paper.


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