Weight Of Walrus

walrus on the beach

Walruses are huge marine mammals that are instantly recognizable due to their unique elongated tusks.

How much does a Walrus weigh?

A full-grown male Walrus, known as a bull, usually weighs between 1,800 to 3,700 pounds (816 to 1,678 kg).

However, there are instances where they have grown to well over 4,000 pounds (1,814 kg).

Females weigh a little less. Generally, you’ll find them weighing between 875 to 2,750 pounds (396 to 1,247 kg).

How Much Does a Baby Walrus Weigh?

A female Walrus, or cow, usually gives birth to a single calf. Walrus calves weigh between 100 and 165 pounds (45 to 74 kg) when they are born.

Two Walrus sub-species exist.

baby walrus laying beside its momma on ice

The first sub-species is the Atlantic Walrus, and they live in parts of Greenland and Canada.

The second sub-species is the Pacific Walrus, and they inhabit Chukchi, the Laptev Sea, and Bering.

These massive omnivores usually stay close to the shore. However, they also feed on sea creatures that live on the ocean floor and are capable of diving to depths of over 250 feet.

In many cases, a Walrus finds its prey by using their whiskers to feel around on the ocean floor, until they come across their favorite foods.

How Big Are Walrus Tusks?

Males and females have these long canines, and they are used to fight and break through thick snow and ice.

walrus in the water

Walrus tusks grow to as long as 3 feet 3 inches, and they weigh as much as 12 pounds.

How Much Does a Walrus Eat?

Mussels, clams, and other sea life found at the bottom of the sea are hoovered up by a Walrus.

They have a unique way of using their lips and tongues to suck out the meat from various types of shelled sea animals, and it’s believed they can devour thousands of clams in one sitting.

During a single day, scientists have found that a Walrus can eat up to 6% of its bodyweight, which can be as much as 200 pounds!

~ Fun Fact ~
When you see a Walrus on land, they look like slow, awkward animals. However, when they enter the water, they come into their own. They can stay under water for up to half an hour and reach speeds of more than 20 miles an hour!


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